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We provide a range of services for those who have experienced domestic abuse.


Counselling is a talking therapy that encourages you to find ways to deal with the emotional impact trauma/abuse has had. Counselling is a space for you to be heard and to gain a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes, and find your own solutions to problems. We work on a sliding scale for payment, which enables counselling to be accessible for everyone (generally we suggest counselling is between £35- £50 per session) We offer 8 weeks counselling.

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Armed forces Domestic Abuse Awareness Workshop

A workshop given to members of the armed forces, with the aim to raise awareness of domestic abuse, to educate, and importantly, to discuss how military life can make domestic abuse more prevalent and susceptible as well as hidden.

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Creative Group

A place to create, sit back, relax. A less structured group. Creativity has been proven to relieve stress, increase brain function, improve mood and develop social skills.

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Escape the Trap (12-20 years old)

Escape the Trap, is a simple, straightforward and above all accessible programme that can be used in any setting with young people, whether working with groups or one to one.

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A 10 week Programme for the victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence. Developed specifically for anyone.

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EVOLVE is a programme designed to help individuals build their confidence and self-esteem. It runs over a seven week period with each session being an hour long.

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Horizon (7-11 years old)

Horizon is a simple, direct, accessible group programme delivered by trained practitioners, in schools and children and young people settings, this can also be adapted to use as a 1:1 programme. This programme is for 7 - 11 years old.

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Self-esteem and healthy relationships workshops

Six workshops relating to healthy and unhealthy relationships, grooming for CSE and CCE for school and youth settings.

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